Thursday 28 December 2017

Looking forward to 2018 !!

Well 2017 hasn't been very easy.......

So many health issues to contend with, chasing around one hospital after another (even 2 in one day).

This day last year I mentioned to my mum as she was visiting me, that the lady in the bungalow in our street was planning to move in with her daughter, and I suggested that she might consider buying it.
Such a nice little place, all nicely decorated, light and cosy. Also being next door-but-one; I would be able to see her more often, helping her and arranging for help with cleaning, gardening, etc. So, we visited it and she LOVED it!! So, after much discussion and negotiating, she bought it. It sounds so straightforward when I tap it out on the keyboard like that..... as obviously it took a LOT of work for me, dealing with the solicitors, agents, sale and purchase; and then of course the move itself... sorting, packing etc. Mum moved in April, 3 days after the exchange of contracts, so it was very full on.
But now she's here and settled. the dogs love it, we can shop, chat, swap food, etc..
Looking back, I can't believe that its all happened in 12 months.

But 2018.... See's a family delivery in January, and a wedding in the summer.
A new baby means - makes, makes and more makes; requests, and surprises.....
Here is an example, a soft crocheted rainbow blanket for the nursery...


I've got lots more things to add, but I'll save them for another day......

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